The main reason that I postponed asking for child support was that I wanted to take the kids on one last long train ride for the last time before I would have to deal with his controlling b.s. We first traveled by car in early July to my parents' house in order to celebrate my dad's birthday. But we actually boarded a train the third of July and traveled by train to Washington, D.C. and were then picked up by my friend Mimi in Baltimore. We had a roomette on the train and a great trip. Sleeping on the train was fun. We stayed with her and her two boys, Atticus and Danny. They are 13 and 7, respectively. They live in a lovely neighborhood in a nice older house. Mimi had gone through much the same as I, except that her ex was adulterous, not abusive. She was welcoming. We were staying for 2 weeks at their house.
We arrived on the 4th of July, the boys were at their father's. The day was laid back and relaxing. The boys were able to watch fireworks from their upstairs window. It was one of the most wonderful, laid-back time with my dear, sweet, generous friend from college. Her 2 boys, my two boys and a lovely time in Baltimore.
America’s Next Great Author
11 months ago