My sweetest Puddles,
I haven't written as much to you as I have to my first born, but I wanted you to know what a joy you bring to my life. At almost 11 months, you have hit every milestone on time, some a little early. You love all kinds of food and skipped eating baby food because you wanted to eat what we were eating. Even as a tiny baby, you would wail whenever you smelled food and were not nursing. You got your first tooth on August 9th of this year, just short of 6 months old. You now have 8 teeth. I hope this isn't boring for you, I just want you to know some of the things that have happened up to this point. You smile all the time and strangers often comment on how cute you are and what pretty eyes you have. You are a flirt and a delight, and your mama loves you so much!! You love all animals, and make a 't' sound when you see the cats. You enjoy a good game of Picasso face, and taught yourself how to clap and to blow raspberries on mama's face, so you could do that back to her. You are such a sweetie. You love to cuddle and nurse, and play pass the baby. You go to your daddy and then go back to your mama. I can't imagine life without you and am thankful everyday that you have come to be with us.
Your ever-loving mama
America’s Next Great Author
11 months ago
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