I knew it was over, or at least time for a change with Dude when I had a dream about him. I don't still feel he was as controlling as I did on Feb 26th. I had sort of put all my eggs in one basket and hung my star on him. This is not healthy. But it is a pattern and I am working on recognizing unhealthy relationship patterns. Disabling them will be a whole 'nother story, I am sure.
I remembered a snippet of a dream in which Dude was handing me a plate with a grilled rabbit's thigh on it. The main reason this was a problem is that when I was young---think 5-7yo, my family raised chickens. I participated in the butchering, as was expected. When I was a bit older, 10? maybe 12, we started raising and butchering rabbits with our new parish Priest. I became a conscience objector. My point being, I don't eat them, I won't butcher them. I peeked out curiously from the upstairs bathroom window while my siblings worked on killing rabbits.
America’s Next Great Author
11 months ago
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